Tuesday, November 17, 2009
What do you know, 2012 is such fake. Firstly, i dont believe in it. And if i live to see 2013, im gonna laugh at those bloody scientist. Second, the movie was basically more to a movie of massive destruction of natural disasters. If it was the end of the world, nobody should have lived in the end.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
I would love to find a new job. Rather than just staring at the walls of my house. Hmm, maybe ill work at the same place with my sister. But i wont work with her. Nono. Only if theres a slot for both me and my sister. If not, she is on her own. Hmm, she want to work as a waitress. Pfft. I dont want to work with her. Maybe ill work as something else but at the same place. Something more simple, like carrying bags for people? cleaner? at least simple. I dont care about the salary. Its not as if it is a permanent job.
Friday, November 13, 2009
okay, im definitely bored here at home, i cannot step out of the house. What a piece of shit! Oh well, might as well get used to it. Currently text messaging farhanah. BFWB is at work, i feel left out. Im all alone. Help me anyone, from this boredom!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Its been 3 days since ive never step out of the house to slack. Sadsadsad. Dad wont let me. hmm, luckily ive reserved the day 17/11/09. No one can disturb me on that day. please. anyway, im bored at home. How i wish i could go out and play or slack. pfft. All i can do here is eat, watch t.v, play the computer, play my PSP. That what ive been doing this few days. Shit, i know.
btw, DINAH!! im scorpio!!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Memories Sharp As Daggers,

i remembered this day. What a great day that was. Had so much fun with Dinah and Ann and this little snail we found. Went bugis, iluma. Is it how you spell it ? iluma?? ouh well, spent most of our time there.

Ahh, 17th october 2009. still remember the day. Hang out with Dinah, Ann, Rara. Another fun day. miss those days, ouh well. anyways, we went slacking at pasir ris town park and E!hub. itu jer, bye.
Its been long since my last post. sorry for not updating. Busy days . haha. anyway, yesterday went slacking with BFWB, ann, ade, syafiq. Syafiq was cracking me up with his jokes and stuff. He is such a joker. then all of a sudden, my mum called. She then asked me to go home straight away without any delay. BFWB sent me home (: . When i got home, dad wasn't around. I felt lucky because there was no scolding. But when my dad came back from i dont know where, ...
dad : "kau ada masalah eh ?"
Dzul : "takde uh"
dad : okay, skarang aku ada masalah ngan kau. from tomorrow onwards, kau jangan keluar lagi. kalau aku dapat tau kau keluar, kena kau!
Since then i knew i was grounded. ouh well, my fault. thats for yesterday.
today, a cuz of mine accompany me at my place. Since i couldnt go out, i let out, go in. get it? maybe dinah only get it.. hahaha! okay then, my next post will be post "soon"