Monday, August 31, 2009

F400 is mine!!!
Going to buy this phone in a few more days. Cannot wait!
(not my dream phone though)
no choice, cheapest!
The reason i want this phone just because its not common. Nokia and Sony Ericson is so common. So Samsung it is!
Dinah, keep your mouth shut!

The Specials !
They are special! Their songs, awesome!
Had teachers day celebration today, went home to change and meet ade and ann first. We slacked, zach got bullied by me ade and ann. Haha, thinking twice, i pity him alot. But, oh well !. After that, went simei to fetch dhaniie♥ from school. Reached simei at 1pm. 2.30pm, thats when she tap my shoulder and gave me a little shock. Haha, 90mins late!. haahaahaa. But nevermind. im cool (8
Slacked with her too, had fun. After that, send her home, did a little sign language, and went off. Met ade ann and dinah at North Park right after i send her. Slacked too with them, then went home.
Saturday, August 22, 2009

yesterday was fun! firstly, stayed back till 3 to collect my ezlink cause i was late for school. After that, went 320 to fetch dhaniie♥ from her friends house. We slacked at pasir ris town park till around 7+. It was awesome!. Then, we saw this passing cloud, it was so nice. I've very saw a cloud that nice before. So, said a few things to dhaniie♥, then send her home. After that, went home and got ready to go for terawih with Ade and Ann. We slacked, and ate alot cause we know we had to fast the next day. Dinah, Amirah, Nurin tagged along to slack with us. I went home first, i was rushing. haha. Got home and slept as soon as possible. And now, currently im fasting and still strong. Perhaps i can fast the whole month without breaking a sweat, haha. Well, i guess(:
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Today was great! Firstly, met dhaniie and fatin today after school. Fatin needed to go. So, studied with dhaniie, chat , laughed. Blablabla. She wanted to go home, so i send her home. Nobody was at home, so accompanied her till her maid came. While we were waiting, i made her scared. Sorry dhaniie. Anyway, im jealous because she have such beautiful eyes. Awesome! When her maid came, with her little brother, i had to go. Her bro was cute. haha. Said bye and went off. After that, went tampines to meet ann and zach. Slacked with them too. We went to the fitness corner and do some exercise and stunts. haha. Did backflips and frontflips, and now, im feeling dizzy. After slacking, went straight home. Too dizzy to slack any longer. Thats it for today. Got to go rest, cure the dizz'.
sshhhhhhhh ...
Saturday, August 15, 2009

Went slacking with syafiq, ade, DZUL. They are just the best. Especially DZUL. Though, they are not my best friends. But they are my true friends. Me and syafiq maybe going to cut our hair, botak. Its gonna be a nightmare for us. But we are willing to give it a shot. Im not confident though. Earlier today went school to study. Can you belive DZUL studying. Well, ive changed. I want to become good now. Trust me peeps. I know its hard to believe, haha. Im telling the truth. Ouh ya, went DZUL and ade met syafiq, syafiq's voice waywayway different from usual. He had a sexier voice. DZUL and ade was damn shocked to hear syafiq's voice like that. And that was all due to goring yesterday. Yawn, i guess ill head to bed now. Night people.
14th of august sucks i tell you. Even fariq the birthday boy agrees.
planning on shisha-ing with friends to celebrate fariq's birthday
but ended up meeting up with HSA peeps.
im so lucky because i dont smoke.
im cleeean :D
after that, we wanted to catch a movie, but we just dont know which movie to watch
either The Hangover or Orphan.
we took so long to decide, but at last, we didnt even catch any of the movies.
so, we headed to city hall. Sat along by the bay.
snap some pics, see fireworks. the fireworks was nice.
after sitting there long enough, we went east side, pasir ris.
met fad, ade, ann. chat2. then fad and ade need to go home.
so, DZUL, syafiq, fariq, ann, acap, izzat was the ones left.
i wanted to go to the swamp, but they dont .
so, we just sat at the water breaker. took more pictures. then i went home.
reached home aroung 11+ i think. and toned.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Malaysia trip was great, missed her though.
missed her everyday though.
anyway, got a new hairstyle, which sucks. i look like an emo??
Haha, lots of people say that. i dont agree i think.
Today, phone got confiscated. Boredism strikes man!
after school stayed back to see teacher, got phone back.
Slacked with Sharin, till 3+. Met ann at whitesands mall.
After that, met Farhanah and Nadhirah.
Well, since they are FASTING, they needed to go back home early.
fasting eh?? fasting....
Went to PRTP with ann, chilled.
Went home.
To Ade,
Congrats, you have a chance. Try your best.
btw, me and ade have been eye-ing on this guy.
some guy, we dont like. right ade? ;)
anyway, i feel all sticky, got to go take a shower,
thats all for today.
hoping more for tomorrow,
p.s, i still love you.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
To that FAG who knocked my head with the board !
You think you are so tough ?
Well, listen small boy, you're not!
If you have the balls to hit my head with your skateboard,
then come face me.
Prove me that you're tough.
Why didnt you tell me that you want to fight me ?
Come on! Your board versus my fist.
Now small boy, if i see you again,
not only im going to break your board in half,
but also your face!
All Skaters Must Vanish!
Today was a very fun day, yet tiring.
But its worth. Slacked with some sec1 chicks,
sec3 pals from 3a3, 3a2.
We slacked right after school.
I planned to go back to school to watch a movie.
But i was just having too much fun with the rest.
Met karissa, i got punched by her for calling her fat.
My jaw hurts now and i cant chew. She owes me one!
Then, we proceeded to seashell park, slacked there too.
Also, it was fun. Did a backflip, then halifi also wanted to try.
He was so funny, during his first try, he landed on his face first.
I laughed at him eventhough i knew it was hurting him.
Then, he decided to give it another try.
And during his second try, he landed on his knee.
Again, i laughed. I am so mean.
Damn! That made my day.
I got the videos. If you want to laugh, see me !
hahaha ! GOD!
After two accidents, he dont want to risk another.
But he decided to do other stuns.
Trust me people, he is one tough guy.
He doesnt know what is the meaning of PAIN.
He did a breakfall, a lousy one.
He landed wrongly, and his shoulder hurts and its all red.
Thats 'ouch'
But not for him, he gave it another go,
And again, failed. He has potential, but a little.
Dude! Today was great.
And one last thing, i want to gain lost of fats.
Its a craving.
Dont thing im crazy, cause im not.
Sunday, August 2, 2009

Planning on catching fireworks yesterday with friends,
but ended up going to changi to celebrate nina's birthday.
yesterday was fun, got to admit.
most of my sec2 pals were there.
met hafizah first, then took 9 and head to changi village.
went to the flea markets , hafizah bought manchester stuff.
i hate manchester :) liverpool the best.
after that, bought cookies from subway.
then proceed to pit 17, nina's pit.
(17, hmmm... nice!)
first thing went there, played guitar.then the rest went to smoke, i didnt fyi.
when they came back, ate, alot!
went home early though,
left around 8. but went to whitesands to slack with zul and haikal.
so chilled, drinked(coke), went home.
reached home around 9.15.
messaged with araya since she cannot call due to his brother.
then, slept early, 10+
first post /\_/\